Hospital Management Software

experience new generation approach in services

We understand – it’s all about your business…

our goal is customer satisfaction

From our very first conversation to project completion, we have a mission to understand your needs and implement a technology solution to fit your needs.

To achieve this, we offer a combination of services which may involve using one of our ‘off-the-shelf’ products, or a completely bespoke custom-written software application. As well as the software writing service, we can provide business analysis, project management through consultancy services based around your idea and requirements.

And with every application we deliver, we provide support options suited to the use of the application and business ensuring total comfort and peace of mind.

Whether you are looking for basic software development services for a prototyping type of project, or have a requirement to deliver a large customized development for your business, we can assist by carefully discussing your needs and delivering on the requirement. Our particular strengths are in integrating third-party applications and solving business problems based on technology.




Managing Patient Records was never so easy. We made it very easy than easier for you. Following are a few features of Patient Management.

  • Patient Registration

  • Patient Basic Details

  • Patient Registration card, Barcode print

  • Registration Notifications

  • Birthday greetings

  • Patient Photo Capture  

  • Medical Alerts of Diseases

  • Vaccination  

  • Insurance  

  • Patient Portal Access



Keeping track of Physicians' availability is a very complicated job. We made it simpler for you. Below are a few features of Physician Management.

  • Basic information

  • Physicians Specialties

  • Physicians Degrees

  • Physicians Schedules

  • Referring Physician

  • Physician Dashboards



Our Enterprise solutions will automate your business appointments process with seamless integration.

  • Treatment Management

  • Treatment Based Automated medical history

  • Appointment Management

  • Patient Waiting & Consultation Time Tracking

  • Automation to find it's Consultation or Follow up

  • Online Appointment Booking  

  • Patient Queue Management and next patient screen



It can be difficult to taking care of each and every element of the hospital without the proper procedures. But our CRM can do it very simple and easier.

  • Bed Management  

  • Wards Management  

  • Hospitalization Checklists  

  • Surgeries  

  • Operation Theater  

  • Pre Operation Checklists  

  • Post Operation Checklists  

  • Diet Plans  

  • Care plans  

  • Admission Discharge & Transfer  

  • Discharge Invoice Creation & Summary Reports

Lab & Diagnostics


This allows users to effectively manage samples and associated data. By using our integrated software your lab can manage the following information

  • Lab Requests  

  • Lab Tests  

  • Lab Test Invoicing  

  • Lab Request Report  

  • Lab Test Result Report  

  • Lab Test Result Imaging

Patient Billing


Our hospital billing software helps to manage billing tasks to get paid faster, improve workflow efficiencies and also insurance needs reliably.

  • OPD Billing

  • IPD Billing

  • Track Discounts, Refunds, Collection

  • Insurance claim management  

  • Package Billing



Through our analysis tools hospitals can manage dashboards to track inventory levels, productivity, and manage supply stock with correct data and correct history

  • Purchase and Inventory Management

  • Purchase Orders

  • Stock Moves

  • Stock in multiple locations



For Pharma management we use inventory, invoicing and sales modules to stores data and enables functionality that organizes and maintains accuracy, safety and efficiency.

  • Prescription Based Direct Sale  

  • Medicine Barcode Generation  

  • Batch Wise Pricing  

  • Medicine Expiry  

  • Medicine Manufacture  

  • Medicine Lot Locking  

  • Stock Move on Invoicing

Blood Bank


Managing a blood bank and maintaining its data manually is a very difficult task. But by creating its management system and hosting helps outside people to know blood stock and helps to donate. 

  • Basic Website Home page  

  • Publish Doctors On Website  

  • Publish Doctors Schedules  

  • CSR Activity Management

Extra Features

We not only provide the above mentioned features but also many more what you wishes. The below are some other extra features which we can build and manage.

  • HMS Report Header

  • HMS Letter pad Header

  • Mail Notifications

  • Medical Representative Management  

  • Patient/Hospital Document Management  

  • Patient Waiting Screens  

  • Patient Certification  

  • Facility Management  

  • SMS Notification  

  • WhatsApp Notification  

  • Patient/Physician/User Image Using Webcam  

  • Video Consultation (Telemedicine) Using Jitsi Meet  

  • Patient Appointment Rating  

  • Ambulance Service Management  

  • Patient Subscription

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Join us and make your company a better place.