Pharmacy Management Software Features

experience new generation approach in services

We understand – it’s all about your business…

our goal is customer satisfaction

From our very first conversation to project completion, we have a mission to understand your needs and implement a technology solution to fit your needs.

To achieve this, we offer a combination of services that may involve using one of our ‘off-the-shelf’ products, or a completely bespoke custom-written software application. As well to the software writing service, we can provide business analysis, and project management through consultancy services based on your idea and requirements.

And with every application we deliver, we provide support options suited to the use of the application and business ensuring total comfort and peace of mind.

Whether you are looking for basic software development services for a prototyping type of project, or have a requirement to deliver a large customized development for your business, we can assist by carefully discussing your needs and delivering on the requirement. Our particular strengths are in integrating third-party applications and solving business problems based on technology.


The pharmacy billing pathway in most community pharmacies can be broken into the following steps

  • Receiving the prescription.

  • Gathering patient data.

  • Data entry.

  • pharmacy claim transmittal.

  • Payment processing. 

  • Third-party payer adjudication.

Drug Expiry Alerts 

The expiration date of a drug is estimated using stability testing under good manufacturing practices as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Drug products marketed in the US typically have an expiration date that extends from 12 to 60 months from the time of the manufacturer


A report is a document that presents information in an organized format for a specific audience and purpose. Reports are written in HTML like all regular views in ERP Software.. The PDF rendering itself is performed by wkhtmltopdf. If you want to create a report on a certain model, you will need to define this Report and the Report template it will use

Multi-Store Support 

Multi-store management requires handling the managerial demands of several operations, each of which is typically very unique in one way or another. Due to this, keeping the operations in all these stores running smoothly can be especially demanding.


E-prescribing or electronic prescribing is a technology framework that allows physicians and other medical practitioners to write and send prescriptions to a participating pharmacy electronically instead of using handwritten or faxed notes or calling in prescriptions The ability to electronically send an accurate, error-free and understandable prescription directly to a pharmacy.

ERP General Features 

  • Web Based

  • Instant Messaging System/Internal Messaging 

  • Activity Management 

  • Data Export/Imp

  • Attachments on Documents/Form

  • mobile View (Mobile responsive interface)  

  • Email Integration

  • BI Reports & Dashboards

Pharmacy Distribution 


Manufacturers create drugs and sell them in bulk to wholesalers, which in turn sell drugs to pharmacies. In this process, wholesalers use complex logistics and packaging methods to receive and deliver drugs on time and in good condition. Patients can then go to a pharmacy to pick up their prescribed drugs.

POS Module Features 

  • POS Categories

  • Offline availability of POS

  • Synchronization of Data

  • Different Payment Methods

  • Patient Photo Capture  

  • Offline payments acceptance

  • Accounting integration  

  • Currency rounding  

  • Tips recording

  • Prices & Discounts

  • Customized receipts

  • Blazing fast search

  • Parallel orders

  • Order history

  • Daily sales

  • Stock & Inventory

  • Cashier account

  • POS Login Screen

  • Customer Screen

  • Order/line Note

  • E-Receipt

  • Rounding

  • Order Screen

POS Module Features  


  • Quick Cash Payment

  • Product Screen

  • Price list Extension

  • Current Screen Lock

  • Show Cart Details

  • Order/Product Return

  • Bag Charges

  • Out-of-Stock Details

  • Payment Charges

  • Serial/Lot Numbers

  • Partial Payment

  • Order Reservation

  • Create Purchase Order

  • Money In/Out from Cash Drawer

  • Promotions

  • Display Stock for Product

  • Loyalty Program

  • Gift Card

  • Gift Voucher

  • Show Cart Details

  • Order/Product Return

  • Bag Charges

  • Out-of-Stock Details

  • Payment Charges

POS Module Features 

  • Serial/Lot Numbers

  • Partial Payment

  • Order Reservation

  • Create Purchase Order

  • Money In/Out from Cash Drawer

  • Promotions

  • Display Stock for Product

  • Loyalty Program

  • Gift Card

  • Gift Voucher

  • Print Product Return Valid days

  • Card Charges

  • Wallet Management

  • Broadcast Messages

  • Multi Terminal Lock

  • Session Close (Cash Control)

  • Keyboard Shortcut

  • Generate Different Barcode and Unique Internal Ref.

  • Credit/Debt Management

  • Customer Birthday/Anniversary Reminder

  • Accounting Reports

  • Set Product Valid Days from Backend

  • Multi UOM

Inventory/Stock Module Features 

  • Product Master Data 

  • Multiple Product Categories

  • Different attributes and Variants for Products 

  • Multiple Warehouses and Locations

  • Stock Movement Tracking

  • Inventory Transfers

  • Inventory Adjustments

  • Multiple Unit of Measures

  • Item Scrap location management

  • Inventory Valuation

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

Accounting & Finance Module Features 

  • Chart of Accounts

  • Suppliers/Customers Invoices/ Refund  

  • Supplier/Customer Profiles and Ledger General Ledgers

  • General Ledgers KPIs  

  • Journal Vouchers/Entries

  • Accounting & Financial Report

  • Invoice & Payment Reconciliation

  • Multi-Currency

  • Bank Reconciliation

  • Payments Vouchers

  • GST Management

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

  • Suppliers/Customers' Payments 

Sales Management Module Features  

  • Customer Master Data.

  • Sales Quotation

  • Sales Order and Sales Invoice

  • Multiple Sales Prices per Product

  • Show standard terms & conditions on orders

  • Customer price-lists  

  • Dashboard / Dynamic Reporting

Purchase Management Module Features 

  • Vendor Master Data

  • Approval Process
    Request for Quotation

  • Purchase Order and Purchase Invoice  

  • Vendor Price Lists  

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

HRMS with Payroll Module Features 

  • Employee Master

  • Manage Employee Contracts

  • Employee Attendance

  • Employee Leaves

  • Employee Payroll  

  • Allowances and Deductions

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

SMS Marketing Module Features 

  • Manage Campaigns  

  • Import contacts  

  • Create contact lists  

  • Schedule SMS  

  • SMS Marketing Campaign testing  

  • Manage Opt-out

  • Manage Blacklist

  • A/B testing

  • Send SMSs

  • Get insights

  • Undelivered SMSs

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

Email Marketing Module Features 


  • Manage Campaigns  

  • Drag & drop editor  

  • H Personalize  

  • Action Button   

  • Themes  

  • Templates  

  • Manage your campaigns  

  • Import contacts  

  • Create custom mailing lists  

  • Reply to

  • Schedule

  • Sample testing

  • Opt-out

  • Improve delivery rate

  • Fully responsive

  • Undelivered emails

  • Mail server

  • Dashboard/Dynamic Reporting

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